ひな祭展@倉 ornaments for Hina Matsuri, the girl's festival


 I visited the gallery which renovated an old warehouse in Hitachi Ota, Ibaraki in order to see the show of ornaments for the girl's festival called Hinamatsuri.
On March 3rd., we celebrate our Girl's Festival. It's also known as the "Peach Tree Festival" because the flowers bloom around that time. The festival is held to pray for young girls' health and happiness. Families with young girls display beautiful doll sets, peach trees, shiro-zake,white sweet rice wine, and hishi-mochi, diamond-shaped rice cake.

All Tsurusi Hina hanging ornaments were made by the mother and aunt of the gallery's owner. The ornaments are made of a great variety of fabrics and strings. They make the inside of the warehouse look so bright and gorgeous for girls!

常陸太田市鯨が丘にて3/1~31まで第6回 スロータウン鯨ヶ丘ひなまつりが開催されます

